Water or H2O is one of the main sources of life, a compound making up an average 65% of our body and 71% of the earth’s surface. When speaking of water most people think about oceans, which constitute 97% of the bodies of water on the globe. Yet water on our planet can also be found in lakes, rivers, glaciers, ice, ponds and of course underground aquifers.
Unfortunately, when it comes to our environment, all of these bodies of water are in danger of becoming polluted if they are not already.
Alongside many myths concerning water pollution there are a few facts we should all know concerning contaminated water and the possible future shortage of clean water we are globally faced with. Here are the top five facts about water pollution:
1. We can’t drink saltwater
This fact might seem a bit silly to start off with, but one that is very important to understand. Most of the water we have on this planet comes from the ocean, which means saltwater. If we can’t drink saltwater that leaves us with much lower numbers to begin with. Remember that 97% figure at the top? Cross that out. That water is unfortunately irrelevant for human consumption.
2. Only 20% of contaminated water is caused by water based pollutants
Also known as point source pollution, this kind of contamination is caused when waste is discharged directly into the water. The most recent event of this kind would be the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Yet, as noted on top, only 20% of water pollution is caused by water based activities. In other words, even if you’re not a beach person, you still have a hand in turning our water grey.
3. 80% of contaminated water were cased by land based pollutants
Non point source pollution is when harmful chemicals and substances are carried to the water by environmental changes. Litter, human sewage, fertilizers and raw waste sooner or later all cause, unless treated, sediments that end up on the bottom of ponds, lakes and rivers.
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4. Water pollution is a huge health hazard
Not all people are eco-inclined and that’s understandable, yet we are all health oriented. So if you don’t care about the coral reef, you’ll probably care about catching diarrhea caused by water pollution which is responsible for 1.5 million annual deaths worldwide.
Add to that figure another 13.5 million deaths a year caused by different water pollution triggered ailments in developing countries but not only, and you’ll come to realize that water pollution is a people problem rather than a fish problem.
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5. We are facing a constant decline in freshwater resources
With our freshwater bases consisting only 3% of global water resources, every drop counts. Yet when 75% of the bays in the U.S. alone are degrading annually and over half of China’s seven major rivers are contaminated in numbers well over the safety regulations, the future is looking pretty grim.
To read more about this go to: http://water.ygoy.com/water-pollution-facts/
Acting now, isn’t a choice but a must. Starting from your own home by separating waste products, through the way you act on the beach, to the kind of diesel you use for your car. That’s exactly where the value of creating the blog and sharing the information about the blog is, finding out the truth and utilizing the knowledge we've learned to help resolve the problem or bring up more attention on the topics!
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